Boa Constrictor Health Guide

Has your boa stopped eating? Is it acting different from normal? Are you worried that you might have a sick boa constrictor? Welcome to ReptiFiles’ table of contents for all things related to boa health. Click on any of the below topics to learn more.

In the wild, a sick or weakened snake is a prime target for predators, so they’ve had to become experts at pretending to be well. While this works in their native habitat, in captivity illness is often a sign that something about our care has gone wrong. So as a reptile owner, you must be extra diligent to observe and act upon changes in your snake that may indicate illness:

  • Weigh your boa weekly — sudden weight loss often indicates illness.
  • Keep a written record of weight, feeding habits, behavior, shedding, etc.
  • Prepare a reptile first-aid kit so you won’t be left scrambling if your boa becomes sick or injured.

If you’re looking for a reptile veterinarian near you, check out our helpful Reptile Vet Directory.

Boa Constrictor Health - sick boa x ray
X ray of a boa with Metabolic Bone Disease. A healthy skeleton appears bright white in x rays, but the bones of an animal with MBD will appear faded or almost invisible. Contributed by Marybeth Spencer.

Boa Constrictor Health Topics:

Disclaimer: I am not a reptile veterinarian, nor a reptile health expert. The contents of these pages are to be used as guidelines, not professional medical advice. If you have an emergency, call an experienced reptile veterinarian immediately.

Boa Constrictor Care Guide: